Day 67: Blythe, CA – El Centro, CA

Andrew and I got a decently early start, heading out of town towards the town of Palo Verde for an early meal. These morning miles went by quickly and before long we arrived at the sole shop in town, where Jon and Liz were having a meal. They made introductions with Andrew before taking off.

After a quick meal of packaged food we followed and passed them before too long. The road was nothing but rolling hills and some of them were quite steep but we were able push on, resting at a border patrol station for a bit. Another hour or so took us to the town of Glamis for Lunch.

We arrived just after Jon and Liz and stopped in the only store in town. It was extremely expensive so I only bought a little for lunch. There were lots of people in dune buggies driving around town because of all of the sand dunes. After a break we headed off into the dunes which were awesome looking for the few miles they lasted, but unfortunately the shrubby boring desert soon returned.

The four of us headed on to the town of Brawley and before long my pace slowed due to my lack of food and I got left behind. Pulled over for a quick snack and continued on. It was in the middle of the afternoon and was extraordinarily hot out – probably about a hundred. Arriving in town, we took relief from the heat in a fast food joint while waiting for the temperature to drop a bit.

After about an hour we left, heading south towards El Centro where we were going to camp for the night. Pulled into the RV park after dark and set up camp.

Today’s mileage: 102 miles.
Total: 3668 miles.


  1. This is great! The things we have to endure sometimes to break through 🙂
    Fun facts: El Centro has 25% unemployment and the most foreclosures in the Country apropos of ‘Goldman-in-Government’ thinking “if Wall Street and the giant banks were paid off for creating a humongous ‘moral hazard’ mess instead of the people they tricked it would fix Main Street.” Bad gamble. Faulty reasoning.
    El Centro was founded in 1906 and also has an earthquake fault of its own (which did erupt a couple of months ago).
    El Centro is the largest American city to lie completely below sea level .
    More at:
    Bon apetite! You may be a bit tired because of 117 miles the day before and also a long day in the heat. I mentioned the awful Yuma temps before. Sorry, that road is worse than I remembered it ):
    It’s been sort of “May-gray” and cool here for a couple of days, but you’ll probably all like the ocean air for a change.

  2. Wow I see you are in San Diego county now and 62 miles from San Diego. AWESOME!
    Neat to have found such engaging fellow travelers to there!

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